Sierra Designs Gamma at Big Bend Ranch State Park January, 2010


Here are some of the tents I’ve used:

Big Bend National Park, Basin campground
Big Bend National Park, Basin campground-the old tent corner peaking in from the left.

First tent I ever owned started out as a loaner from a friend of Dad’s.

Unfortunately I do not have a full view photo of that beast, but I believe it was a Sears model something like this one:
GUMO 1986
Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, March 1986 (above: without fly, below: with fly).
8609_25_25 (1)
Sierra Designs Stretched Domicile in action Capitol Reef NP, Utah, Fall 1986
Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight, Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado, ca. 1997
Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight, Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado, ca. 1997
Sierra Designs Gamma at Big Bend Ranch State Park January, 2010
Sierra Designs Gamma at Big Bend Ranch State Park January, 2010
The North Face Meso 22; got it on sale. Ok tent, but it's mostly screen; in high winds (like Dixie National Forest here in Utah) the fine-grain sand blows right in. May, 2014.
The North Face Meso 22; got it on sale. Ok tent, but it’s mostly screen; in high winds (like Dixie National Forest here in Utah) the fine-grain sand blows right in. May, 2014.
Marmot Tungsten 2P; a bit heavy for backpacking but good car camper, with some issues. It leaked once in a very hard thunderstorm at Seminole Canyon State Park. And the connection of the two main cross poles comes apart and apparently it’s not supposed to.
Big thunderstorm; some leakage.
Shumard backcountry site, GUMO, November 2017.

I still love the simplicity of sleeping under the stars with a bivy bag. Used it for twenty years. Not ideal if there’s much rain or a lot of flying bugs.

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